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A Freesearch Collective

Sweet Water Liberation Lab

is a freesearch collective of

grassroots organizers,

healers, artists, somatic practitioners,

community mental health workers, water protectors and herbalists

dedicated to the long haul work of

transforming ourselves

and our world. 

We are committed to the daily praxis

of building a world where

justice, freedom, and interdependence thrive.

We are each deeply engaged in the local grassroots work

of creating community-based infrastructure for addressing

harm, violence and mental health crises

outside of the prison industrial complex. 

Meet the Core

About Our Patreon

Your support allows us to continue to cultivate systems of care and intervention that support community healing and transformation.


We are extremely grateful for all offerings to Sweet Water Liberation Lab!


Our Patreon is dedicated to creating a healing community which will activate our collaborative potential in seeding a new world through organizing ourselves to meet immediate needs and build new pathways to collective liberation.


Anybody can follow Sweet Water on Patreon and access our content. We are grateful for whichever monthly gift you are able to give so there is no distinction between tiers except the Blossom and Transformation tiers. Those tiers will receive a seasonal Cocoa Care Box! 

We offer free content, information, tools, and skills around:

  • living with anxiety, PTSD + CPTSD, disability, neuro-diversity, hypersensitivity, insomnia, depression, addiction, self-hatred, narcissism, abuse, conflict, crisis, grief, body dysmorphia, and shame

  • astrology and tarot

  • art, writing and creative expression

  • embodiment and somatic centering practices

  • conflict resolution, de-escalation, boundaries accountability and transformative justice practices

  • spiritual practices (anything that moves us out of our sense of being isolated atoms in a mechanical universe- this includes practices that bring us in connection with the ecosystem and cosmos to which we belong)

  • breath, movement, meditation and mindfulness


All tiers are supporting these current Lab projects:  


The Transformative Justice Practice Space is a space to move beyond pretty words and into walking the talk of (embodying) abolition.


The Body Freedom Project (BFP) is a collaborative effort to inspire people to live Free in their bodies for the sake of Collective Liberation.


Healing Group for White People is an effort to heal and transform whiteness for the sake of ending white supremacy. This practice group is an experiential offering of embodied practice.


The Crisis Transformation Project (CTP) is a community-based effort to respond to harm and violence in our community in a way that decreases violence and transforms the circumstances that create harm and violence.

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